Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This guy stands 6 foot tall
He has a good reading habit
Whenever I see him, he is either reading a newspaper, a magazine or any other reading material

He is always dressed in a pair of trousers, shirt and a jacket
The trouser is brown, the shirt is blue and the jacket is red
What a combination of colours!

He has no fixed abode, he wanders from place to place

I have termed him a mentally challenged man
As a man in that class, nobody wants to be associated with him
I want to believe he is from a family, he definitely was born of a woman
. . . but nobody goes close to him

I wonder . . .
What could have been responsible for his present state?

One day I heard him speak!
He has a good command of the english language
Infact he speaks better than some mentally fit people

I was very impressed!
Now what could be wrong with him?
I just wonder

One day I stopped to have a word with him . . .
I asked him if he would not mind if I give him some clothes . . .
His reply: "I would mind. I'd rather you give me money instead"

I pondered over this for I thought to myself he sure knows what he wants!
But I have a problem, I can not give him money!
Money to do what?

Well he gave me an answer. . .
I saw him drinking a big bottle of Guiness Stout a couple of days back!
So, if I had given him money. . . he would have used the money to drink beer or smoke weed instead of eating good food!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

House of God

Today is Ash Wednesday!

Ash Wednesday, which is the seventh Wednesday before Easter, marks the beginning of Lent. The phrase Ash Wednesday is derived from the biblical practice of receiving a mark of ashes on the foreheads of
people as a sign of repentance and mortality.

Most Orthodox Churches observed this day by holding services/masses. I was in Church this morning and after the usual celebrations it was time to receive the ash. There was an announcement that we should do it in an orderly manner as directed by the ushers and other officials. To my utmost shock, people were actually rushing, leaving their pews to join other pews and therefore making the whole thing dis-organised!

I was so shocked that I had to ask one of this "shunters" why he was acting in such a manner. I asked, "why are you doing this? Why are you rushing? Will the ash finish?" I had to ask him, just in case he did not remember he was in the house of God! Well I achieved my aim, because the man was visibly embarrassed!

Anyway, for all who believe in the essence of Lent, let us use this period and get closer to God, our Creator and pray to always do His will. Without God in our lives, nothing can be achieved. Turn that around, with God in our lives, we can achieve ALL that we ever wished for. That is FAITH.
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