Friday, May 30, 2008


This is the new slogan for Lagos State since the emergence of the present Governor, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola. "EKO O NI BAJE simply means
- "Lagos shall not deteriorate."
- "Lagos no go spoil"
- "Lagos will not spoil"

In other words, Lagos shall continue to be the Centre of Excellence!

Since I am a firm believer of POSITIVE affirmations, I truly really appreciate the phrase. This is because every time someone says that phrase, the person is making a positive affirmation for Lagos State! Yes. When we keep saying 'Eko o ni baje' we are unconsiously saying a prayer for the State we live in!

With the on going beautification process in Lagos, I see Lagos State returning to the way it was back in the days!

Well done Mr. Governor. I join millions of people in Lagos and I affirm that truly and surely EKO O NI BAJE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What is in a Lady's Handbag?

Hmmm! That is a tough one.

Well a peek into my handbag right now and I found the following:
(1) My make up bag. Filled with my Mary Kay stuff.
(2) A comb and a hair brush.
(3) My wallet. I keep my notes the right way.
(4) My bunch of keys.
(5) My eye glass
(6) My mobile phones.
(7) The connection cable for my phone.
(8) Writing materials (Pen, Pencils and a jotter).
(9) Some candies! Yeah. I'm a sweet tooth.

Ladies, what do you have in your handbag right now?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Great Food Craft!

Whao! This is awesome! Who could have done such a wonderful artistic work on these food items? Hmmmmmm! Yummmmmmy!

Egg Yoke in a pram!

A Banana Dolphin

Fruity Butterfly

Addressing the flock!

Swimming in the Watermelon


Do not put your thumb in an apple . . . . . . Apple Bite! Now this is scary

No more slicing me says Mr. Bread.

Okay lets do it!

Home sweet home

"Hurry up . . . we are running late!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Children's Day!

Happy Children's Day Nigeria!

Every year on 27 May, Nigerians (esepecially the young at heart) celebrate Children’s day!

This is a day set aside to celebrate Children. A day when parents indulge their children with all goodies. A day when the children get to have things done their own way (at least to an extent!) Generally it is a fun filled school free day for children.

A brief on Children’s Day
Sometime in August 1925, people from different Nations of the World, about 54 representatives from different Nations, convened in Geneva, Switzerland for the first ever “World Conference for the Well-being of Children.” It was during this convention that the “Geneva Declaration Protecting Children” was passed.

Some of the crucial issues discussed at the Convention included the following:
· Relief for children in poverty
· Promoting the welfare of children
· Sound education for children
· Child labour
· Spiritual needs of children

After the 1925 Convention, various governments around the world designated a day, different in each country, as Children's Day. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that all countries inaugurate a Universal Children's Day. This day is to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children; a day to encourage and bring joy and smiles to children. The UN General Assembly suggested that the Day should be observed on any date considered appropriate.

In compliance with the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, Countries have set aside a particular day each year as Children’s Day. In most countries Children’s Day is marked as a National holiday, while other countries do not mark it as a National holiday. In Nigeria, May 27 is observed as a National Holiday for children!

Children's Day is a time of festivity for children in any country. The day serves as an opportunity for honouring Children worldwide. Children’s Day serves as an opportunity for Parents to interact with their children and it helps to strengthen the bond between a child and his/her parents. In additional, Children’s Day is a time when children of all receive gifts from their parents, Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, Teachers, older siblings etc. On this special day, children are given treats, they visit places of interest, and just have a fun filled day! In Japan, the Japanese families fly carp kites (representing each son) on Children's Day. In Turkey, the seats of Parliament are held by children, and a child becomes President for a day. The child President delivers a speech on national television.

Childhood is a phase in life where a child is expected to have all the fun in the World. You are a child if you are born of a human! Invariably, WE are ALL children!

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