Saturday, October 10, 2020

Peaceful Protest

This evening, on Admiralty Way, I encountered a group of protesters demanding that the Federal Government puts an end to SARS NOW! #EndSARS

The protesters ensured there was no movement by "blocking" the road. They threatened that the protest will continue until the Government #EndSARSNow

To show how serious the movement is, notable Nigerian celebrities have joined their voices to demand the end of SARS! The movement has gained international attention and the whole world is focused on Nigeria.

In a recent development, the President, Mohammedu Buhari has ordered the "IGP to conclusively address the concerns of Nigerians regarding these excesses, & ensure erring personnel are brought to justice.” Act now and ensure the police cease to harass citizens.

I pray that the Government representatives do what is right and make sure this protest does not escalate and cause more problems for the Country. Otherwise, we will start clamouring for other things to end as well.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Adieu Majek Fashek

As I got ready to step out of the house for work yesterday, I noticed "the sky looked misty and cloudy." I decided to dash out immediately before the rain starts pouring. Of course, I imagined what the traffic would be like, especially with such a weather. So I had to rush out even with the misty and cloudy weather. About 20 minutes later, the rain started...

During the drive to work, I tuned the radio to listen to various news items and some analytical reviews of the news items. That has been a tradition. When I heard the OAP on radio say "rest in peace Majek. . ." I was shocked. . . What?! O my God!

What came to my mind immediately was the fact that the news of his passing came at a time it was raining HEAVILY (at least in Lagos). What a rare coincidence, to hear the demise of the legendary rain maker on a rainy day! WOW!

Adieu Majek! May the soul of Majek Fashek rest in peace! Amen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

COVID-19 is Real. Stay Safe

And so, the lockdown was eased in Lagos State and people were allowed to resume moving around within the State. Offices and businesses have reopened. Everyone is out again. Most businesses rendered skeletal services.

All the precautionary measures were discarded as people were seen clustered at various bus stops and banks. I was amazed that most people threw caution to the wind and moved around without the least protective gear, a face mask! I was equally amazed at the crowd seen within the premises of various banks not observing "physical distancing" otherwise known as social distance. What a pity!

I was informed that customers without face masks are denied entry into most banks, and as a result some customers without face masks "borrow" face masks from others in order to gain entrance into the bank. Pathetic! How can any sane human being share face mask?

Some people still go about saying that the whole virus saga is a scam. I have also heard people say "coronavirus is a hoax". And these are from the mouth of so called "educated" people! Can you beat that?!

The sooner we all understand that this virus is real and that is causes health challenges which may lead to death, the better for all of us.

I am tired of reading about the increased numbers of confirmed cases. I want to start reading about a decrease in confirmed cases. I want to start reading of increased recoveries. no more covid-19 related deaths. Enough is enough!

These can only be achieved if we all join our hands and fight this common enemy by following the guidelines given by the appropriate authorities.

#WashYourHands #Sanitize #StaySafe
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