Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tooth Fairies!

Do you believe in tooth fairies? Well, my children believe in tooth fairies. 
A Tooth Fairy

When Gee’s first milk tooth came off, she ran to me with the tooth in her hand. She was so excited. She said “now, my tooth fairy will come and take my tooth and exchange it for money”. Immediately, I concurred but I added that she has to sleep in her room, if she wants her tooth fairy to visit! (That was when they were always sleeping in my room) That night, she made sure she slept in her room.

The next morning, she ran excitedly to our room with a N500 naira note in her hand. “Mummy, Daddy, see what my tooth fairy gave me”. “Whao”, I said. Her daddy didn’t seem to share in our moment. He simply said, “your tooth must be very expensive for your tooth fairy to give you that much for a tooth.”

On one occasion, when she did not sleep in her room, she was so disappointed when she raised her pillow the next morning, and her tooth was still there! I reminded her that the tooth fairy only visits when you sleep in your room! That night, she slept in her room and of course, the tooth fairy performed!

Yesterday evening, another tooth came off. This time, there was no need to tell her where to sleep in order to make her tooth fairy visit her. She (and Tee) have been sleeping in their room in honour of our agreement. By this morning when she was showing off the N500 her tooth fairy left under her pillow, Tee was not happy. He wanted to know when his own teeth will start coming out. He said “Mummy, I thought you told me that my teeth will start falling out when I am 5 years old. I have been 5 since, and none of my teeth has come out. I want my tooth fairy to give me money too!

Abeg o! This tooth fairy stuff na wa o! I wish I had a tooth fairy. LOL!

Do you believe in tooth fairies? Do you encourage your children to believe in tooth fairies?
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