Showing posts with label Breast Feeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Feeding. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weaning Little Dee!

I understand that breastfeeding babies have a lot of advantages to the general growth and development of a child. This is the reason I always advocate, preach and breast-feed my babies exclusively for the first six months. In my case, after the initial three months maternity leave, I leave expressed breast milk stored in the freezer. Research shows that breast milk can be preserved for at least 3 months. Although it was very tasking, I went through this for my three children!

Whenever I return from work, she welcomes me in her own way, and then guides me into the bedroom. After the normal play and some chit chat, the next thing that she expects (to follow naturally) is for me to breastfeed her. Whenever, I do not show any sign of breastfeeding her, she starts yanking at my shirt or whatever cloth I have on, saying "I sor... I sor". If I do not yield to her demand ASAP, she would scream the house down! So I try to respect myself by breast-feeding her immediately.

Mother Breast feeding a baby
That babe demands to be breastfed at odd places! LOL! Imagine being at an event or gathering and your toddler starts yanking your blouse, saying "I sor" (sounds like I SAW). This line, translated to normal English means "I SUCK"! Can you imagine that? Well that is what Little Dee does to me on a regular basis now!

I just got to stop Little Dee now! Little Dee is 18 months. In addition to been breast fed, she eats other solid meals such as regular baby cereals and other meals prepared at home such as rice, fried plantain, eggs, yam and of course Eba and soup.

I understand that it is best to continue breast-feeding till a child is 2 years, but, I am thinking of weaning Little Dee from breast milk.
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