Showing posts with label Mummy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mummy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little Dee! wants to go to School!

Yes o! No be small thing o! My Little Dee! (2 years +) wants to go to school. Every morning, as we leave the house, (particularly if she is awake) she cries after us! There had been instances when she actually picked a bag and said she was ready to go to school! LOL! When her older siblings are doing their homework, she wants to do her own homework too! Well, in order to encourage her, I bought her some exercise books to scribble on and some colouring books. O! she scribbles and colours well. With excitement, she shows off her "work" and of course I praise her!

Some people had told me (jokingly) to send her to school. My reply to these people is always very simple - "When she is 2 years old". After she clocked 2, these people reminded me about enrolling her in school. My answer - "The next term. I don't want her to start at in the middle of the academic year". These people have accused me of "shielding Little Dee!, but I say to them, she will resume in September, by that time she will be ready for school.

Those days, we did not start school till we were 5+. Now, a child as young as 1 year old or sometimes from 8 months, goes to school. Not day care o! School! I have seen plenty of such mini sized pupils in over sized uniforms going to school. LOL! Well, that is the system we found ourselves in today. I do not believe a child should be sent to school at such an early age except the child is able to express himself/herself. The child should be able to eat unaided (at least to an extent). I also feel the child should be potty trained.

At what age do you think a child should sent to school?
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