Showing posts with label Sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sleep. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sleep in your room!

Drama in the house. . .

Getting my children, to actually sleep in their room is a very difficult task! Gee! and Tee! do not like sleeping in their room! I have tried all the tricks in the book, they still find their way into our room at night! Most times hubby actually 'chase' them to their room with a promise that he'll take them out if they (Gee! and Tee!) remain in their room all through the night, without sneaking into our room. Although they usually promise not to come to our room, they always find a way to break their promise! Usually, whenever hubby enters the room and sees all four of us (including Little Dee!) on the bed, he ends up in the guest room. Sometimes he carries them to their room, that way he can sleep in his bed! lol!

This had been the routine until recently when I stood my ground! Haba! For how long will this continue. Gee! is almost 8 years old while Tee! is already 5 years old.

I had a meeting with them. Yes o! In that meeting I told them clearly and sweetly that they were no longer babies and as such I would appreciate it if they start to SLEEP in their room especially at night! After so many questions and answers, they promised to sleep in their room from that day!

Well, that was the deal, and I thought to myself, they would not breach their part of the agreement.

How wrong! It was a few minutes past 11pm when I heard a door opening (I knew it had to be the children's room) and then footsteps. The next thing I heard was my own room door opening and 'someone' sneaking into my bed! I knew immediately it has to be Gee! She was followed almost immediately by Tee!.

I simply reminded them of our meeting and mutual agreement. Then in a very 'sweet' voice, I sent them back to their room.

Mehn! we need our room.

From that day, any time they 'attempt' sneaking into our room, I send them back. Right now, I can proudly boast that WE have our room to ourselves (to a large extent at least). Only Little Dee! is permitted to sleep in our room for now. As soon as she is old enough (maybe 3 years old) she'll be moved to the children's room.
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